Mark 15:1-15 | Which Jesus Will We Choose? 

1) Pray

Church of the Week

Salvation Army & Major Laura Wycott

Missionary of the Week

Harvest Christian School

2) Accountability: Share an experience of Christ's faithfulness this week. 

    Was it linked to a weakness within yourself?

3) Opening Discussion Question: What is one of the most meaningful ways someone has served you recently? 

4) Read: Mark 15:1-15 open your Bibles, and have your group read the passage out loud.

5) Discussion Questions:

  1. Was there anything that you didn’t understand in the text? 

  2. Was there a particular verse that stood out to you in the text? 

  3. In your own words, describe Substitutionary Atonement 

  4. How do the description of early Christians and their care (for children, women, widows, the poor, and the sick) challenge us today? 

  5. With Jesus giving us as an example of life to patterned after his. What is something He is calling you to do in order for your life to be an example like His? Can you think of a story from Jesus’ life that is an example for you of that present circumstance?  *If not, maybe someone in your group can think of one.

Application: Practice sacrificial service for someone in need this week. Each day pray and let the Holy Spirit bring someone to mind who has a need and initiate a caring gesture. It could be as simple as a text that lets them know you’re thinking about them and praying for them. It could be an invitation to share a meal or coffee together. The goal is to practice serving in a way that is not just an activity we check off our to-do list, but it becomes our identity as people who are following the pattern of Jesus our King. 

Referenced Scriptures: 

  • Mark 12:13-17 

  • Acts 5:29,38 

  • Matthew 27:16-17 (NIV) 

  • John 13:15 

  • 1 Peter 2:20-21 

Find the latest discussion guide online at


Mark 15:16-32 | All or Nothing


Mark 14:29, 53, 66-72 | Failure and Faithfulness