Mark 15:16-32 | All or Nothing

1) Pray

Church of the Week

St James’ & St Vincent’s


Missionary of the Week

Shalom Christian Center on Mfangano Island


2) Accountability: Invite your group to share their successes and failures from practicing sacrificial service last week.


3) Opening Discussion Question: Why do you think Mark's Gospel focuses so little on the physical pain of the cross?


4) Read: Mark 15:16-32 encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud.


5) Discussion:

  • Was there anything that you didn’t understand in the text? 

  • What stood out to you in the text? 

  • Where do you struggle with the strength of Jesus’ claim to absolute authority? 

  • Where do you struggle with Jesus’ Way of Weakness? 

  • Read 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 and share a time when you’ve experienced God’s power being perfected in your weakness 


6) Apply: Throughout this week take note of the times when you feel weak.

  • Maybe it will be physical weakness.

  • Maybe a situation where you feel disrespected.

  • It could be a time when you feel inadequate for the task in front of you.

Pay special attention to the times you feel weak, then purpose to invite God’s power rather than relying on your own strength. 


Cross References:

  • Psalm 2:1-6 

  • 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 

  • Revelation 2:17 

  • 1 Peter 2:23-25 


Mark 15:33-39 | The Greatest Story Ever Told


Mark 15:1-15 | Which Jesus Will We Choose?