Mark 14:29, 53, 66-72 | Failure and Faithfulness
1) Pray
Church of the Week
Petaluma Valley Baptist Church with Pastor Alan Cross
Missionary of the Week
Pastor Solomon & Mabel Charwi in Kehancha, Kenya
2) Accountability: Share your successes and failures from surrendering your judgements to God this last week.
3) Opening Discussion Question: Recall a time you overestimated yourself and failed dramatically.
4) Read: Mark 14:29, 53, 66-72 encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud.
5) Discussion:
What stuck out to you from the message this week?
Use the discussion questions to spur on conversation.
Was there anything you didn't understand in the text?
Take Turns sharing your story of how you came to Christ.
What made the difference for Peter to go from failure to faithful witness?
Read John 21:15-19 and share a failure in your life that you have seen God use as a testimony of His grace and power.
Share what God has done in your life recently.
Stop and pray for opportunities to share your weakness and Christ’s faithfulness in your life.
6) Apply: How can you receive the invitation of 1 John 1:9 of Christ's forgiveness and respond, not with promises, but with a testimony of Christ's faithfulness in your everyday weakness?
Cross References:
Rom 8:33-34
1 John 1:9
Luke 22:31
Romans 8:37-39
John 21::15-19
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