Mark 14:29, 53, 66-72 | Failure and Faithfulness 

1) Pray

Church of the Week

Petaluma Valley Baptist Church with Pastor Alan Cross


Missionary of the Week

Pastor Solomon & Mabel Charwi in Kehancha, Kenya


2) Accountability: Share your successes and failures from surrendering your judgements to God this last week.


3) Opening Discussion Question: Recall a time you overestimated yourself and failed dramatically.


4) Read: Mark 14:29, 53, 66-72 encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud.


5) Discussion:

What stuck out to you from the message this week?

Use the discussion questions to spur on conversation.

  • Was there anything you didn't understand in the text?

  • Take Turns sharing your story of how you came to Christ.

  • What made the difference for Peter to go from failure to faithful witness?

  • Read John 21:15-19 and share a failure in your life that you have seen God use as a testimony of His grace and power. 

  • Share what God has done in your life recently.

  • Stop and pray for opportunities to share your weakness and Christ’s faithfulness in your life.


6) Apply: How can you receive the invitation of 1 John 1:9 of Christ's forgiveness and respond, not with promises, but with a testimony of Christ's faithfulness in your everyday weakness?



Cross References:

Rom 8:33-34

1 John 1:9

Luke 22:31

Romans 8:37-39

John 21::15-19



Find the latest discussion guide online at


Mark 15:1-15 | Which Jesus Will We Choose? 


Mark 14:53-65 | The Judge is Judged