Mark 9:1-10 | See Christ in His Glory
1) Pray
Church of the Week
New Life Christian Church and Pastor Shan Woodlief
Missionary of the Week
Hector and Caitlyn Hernandez in Guatemala
2) Accountability: Invite your group to share their successes and failures from following Jesus' example in the garden from last week.
3) Opening Discussion Question: What is the most glorious thing you have ever seen?
4) Read: Mark 9:1-10 Encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud.
5) Discussion:
What stuck out to you from the message this week?
Use the discussion questions to spur on conversation.
Where do you need to believe in the transforming work of Christ in your own life?
How can you invite others to be transformed by Jesus this week?
Where are you tempted to make an idol out of past experiences with God?
What area of your life are you most in danger of inviting Jesus into your thing instead of following Him as Lord?
How can we avoid getting burnt out by Christian practice? How does beholding Jesus’ glory safeguard us against burnout?
6) Apply: Practice telling someone who knows Jesus about the Gospel and then tell someone who doesn't know Jesus why to follow Him.
Cross References:
Philippians 2:5–11
Mark 8:29
Mark 8:31
Romans 12:1–2
Hebrews 1:1–2a
Mark 16:15