Mark 14:43-52 | Jesus Stands Alone

1) Pray 

Church of the Week

Penngrove Community Church and Pastor Connor Anderson

Missionary of the Week

Pastor Solomon and Mabel Charwi in Kehancha, Kenya

2) Accountability: Invite your group to share their successes and failures from preaching the gospel to yourself and others from last week.

3) Opening Discussion Question: Share about a time that you were alone. Was it a good thing or bad thing? 

4) Read: Mark 14:43-52 encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud. 

5) Discussion:

What stuck out to you from the message this week?

Use the discussion questions to spur on conversation.

  • What do you think about Jesus’ view of the sword and the kingdoms of this world? 

  • Which of the values of the kingdom of God do you struggle with most? 

    • Poverty, Suffering, Weeping, Rejection 

  • Where are you most tempted to live for the kingdoms of this world? 

    • Money, Power, Success, Recognition 

  • Talk about the difference of Jesus being our example vs. being our substitute and what it means to you. 

6) Apply: How do you need to value the people in poverty, suffering, weeping, and rejection this week?


Cross References:

  • Romans 13:1-4 

  • Luke 6:20-22 

  • 1 Peter 1:6-7 

  • John 8:36 


Find the latest discussion guide online at


Mark 4:1-20 | Well Tended Hearts


Mark 9:1-10 | See Christ in His Glory