Mark 14:32-42 | On The Other Side Of Unanswered Prayer
Mark 14:32-42 | On The Other Side Of Unanswered Prayer
1) Pray
Church of the Week
Hillside Church and Pastor Doug Manson
Missionary of the Week
Shalom Christian Center on Mfangano Island, Kenya
2) Accountability Invite your group to share their successes and failures of being able to love and serve someone who has let you down over the last week.
3) Opening Discussion Question: Have something that you’ve prayed about that God did not answer the way you wanted?
4) Read: Mark 14:32-42 Encourage your group to open their Bibles and follow along while one or two people read the passage out loud.
5) Discussion:
What stuck out to you from the message this week?
Use the discussion questions to spur on conversation.
How do you react to seeing Jesus struggle like this in the passage about Gethsemane?
Try to describe, in your own words, what Jesus was facing that caused Him to stagger like this?
Discuss how the wrath of God is connected to the love of God.
Go over the list of six things Jesus did in the Garden and share a story about one that was significant for you in a time of suffering. Encourage each other with testimonies of God’s faithful help.
Chose close friends to be with Him
He opened His soul to His friends
He asked them to pray
He poured out His heart in prayer
He rested His soul in the sovereign wisdom of God
He fixed His eyes on the glorious future – for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2)
Take some time to pray for each other.
6) Apply: Practice the things Jesus did in the garden this week. Share the most important step you will take this week to begin your practice.
Cross References:
Psalm 75:8
Jeremiah 25:15-16, 27-29
Hebrews 12:2
“I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things”
- Mother Teresa
“God brought him to the mouth of the furnace, to his raging flame, to see where he was going so he could voluntarily enter into it and bear it for us, knowing what it was, so when he took the cup on the cross, knowing fully what it was, so was his love to us infinitely the more wonderful and his obedience to God infinitely the more perfect.”
- Jonathan Edwards
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