Ready to Meet this Moment

Dear Church,

On Sunday, I shared with you the latest on our “venture of faith” regarding a future home for Calvary Chapel Petaluma. To summarize: 

  • We will be required to complete seismic upgrades to the new building.

  • This kind of work significantly raises the cost of the project. 

  • This kind of work also adds considerable time to the project, increasing the price, as we will have to pay a mortgage and rent during construction.

We considered these to be significant challenges, wondering if it meant that God was closing the door. In the meantime, our landlord offered to sell us the building we currently occupy, which was very exciting until we learned that their best price was significantly more than our accepted offer at the new building. The bottom line is that we cannot afford to purchase our current building at the price. Since we can not purchase our current building, it is being put on the market for sale. 

Church, we are completely dependent on the Lord. We know that He has a plan, He knows our needs, and we need Him to lead and guide, protect and provide for us. Here are the three things that we need to come together to do as one church: 

  1. Come to the Information Meeting this Sunday, December 3rd at 5pm 
    We will share more detailed information and pray together for God’s will to be clear and to put all our confidence in Him. 

  2. Pray and Fast:  
    Starting Sunday, December 3rd, we are calling for a week of pray and fasting. We want to pray for a clear word from God and an amount that He would put on our hearts to give. This week of prayer and fasting will serve to inform our decision on whether we follow through with purchasing the new building. We will host prayer meetings Tuesday, December 5th – Friday, December 8th from 12:00-1:00pm at the church and would love for you to join us in prayer. 

  3. Prepare to Give: 
    As you pray and fast the week of December 3rd, our prayer is that the Lord would be speaking to you. We invite you to share your words, scriptures, or encouragements with our leadership team. 

    Finally, we ask that you share if there is an amount that you feel God would be leading you to contribute towards this project.
    We don’t want to take an offering until we have clarity on the decision and direction, so your Giving Commitment will be vital in helping our leadership team discern our next steps. By the conclusion of our week of prayer and fasting on December 10, we ask that you send in your Giving Commitment by clicking the button below.

I believe that we are in the midst of a unique moment in God’s story for our church. Let’s meet it together with faith and complete confidence in the Lord. I can’t wait to see what He will do. He is the Author and Finisher! 

Growing in faith together with you,
Pastor Zach 
On behalf of the staff and leadership team at Calvary Petaluma 


Fasting and Prayer


November 2 Building Update